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Year 2



This year the Wonderful Woodpeckers and Outstanding Owls and will be learning about exciting and interesting topics from a diverse curriculum including:

- Healthy Me

- The Great Fire of London

- British Animals

- Endangered and Extinct Animals

- Castles


In Year 2 we try to be the best we can be by following the Golden Rules of our school:

We are kind and helpful

We are honest

We are gentle

We are hardworking

We listen

We look after our property

We believe that if we follow these rules we will be ready for the challenges we face in Year 2 and moving up into KS2.


All of the adults working in year 2 are so proud of how hard the year 2 children have worked during SATs week! They have all tried our very best to be the best we can be.


Thanks for your continued support!  

Science Week!
What an amazing science week it was! 

We had great fun looking at a range of different experiments as you'll see in the photos below.

  • We investigated raisins in different water and made them jump! Ohhhh!
  • We predicted what would happen if we poured warm water onto skittles... and found out what actually happened.
  • We also made balancing butterflies! 