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If your child is going to be away from school due to illness, please telephone the school each day and leave a message on the answer machine.  This ensures both parents and school know the whereabouts of children. If your child is likely to be away for a long period, or if the complaint is infectious or contagious, please telephone urgently to let us know. Information about infectious illnesses and their exclusion period is available from school.

All planned leave of absence needs to be authorised in advance by the Headteacher. This will only be authorised for an exceptional reason, not for holidays. Please download an absence form from the website. The Government do not expect holidays to be taken in term time due to the adverse impact absences have on your child’s progress and attainment.


All absences are recorded and those that are unauthorised (i.e. no valid reason given) are reported to governors.  Below are the reported whole school figures for both authorised and unauthorised absences.